NOTICE: This is a referral only to a 3rd party service provider- not affiliated with Heart & Soul Productions or any of it's subsidiaries, associates, partners of family members. Heart & Soul Productions claims no authority or legal responsibily for any transactions that you chose to accept from LaVonne Bost-Baskdale or their affiliates.
What is a Notary Public?
A Notary is appointed by the state of New York to be an impartial witness to the signing of important documents. A Notary verifies the identity of signers of legal documents and performs other duties, such as administering oaths.
Click to schedule a service visit or call: 347-389-0996
New York Notaries are authorized to perform the following notarial acts:
- Take acknowledgments and proofs
- Administer oaths and affirmations
- Take affidavits and depositions
- Demand acceptance or payment of foreign and inland bills of exchange, promissory notes and obligations in writing